Friday, 28 August 2009

Town ... Why does it always rain ?

So as i said today myself, Rachi, Nadine, Allan and Chris went to town today. ^U^
Was a good day I'm slightly tired now though (;≧皿≦)。゜°。ううううぅぅぅ

Today I bought "Tokyo Gore Police" ^^ it looks really bloody and mind scaring so my kind of movie >U<

Also got a copy of "Clockwork Orange" because I didn't think it was right that I did not own a copy of a classic !!!

Allan made us go into Ann Summers ^^ mainly to disturb Rachi and Chris ^U^
Also when we were in Waterstones Allan just had to read the sex guide books
 ̄\(−_−)/ ̄オテアゲッ

I also bought an Apple Turnover which was yummy (though bad for my diet)

So was a good day ... the only bad thing was that I couldn't find "Battle Royal" on DVD


Oh btw ... when I say Town I mean Belfast City Centre ^^

Miyavi a Father ^o^

I only found this out to and I just want to say a big congratulations to him ^U^

The baby girl is called "Lovelie Miyavi Ishi­hara" ^o^

I'm sure Miyavi is going to make an awsome Daddy so I wish him all the luck and happiness

Sorry for being away m(._.)m ゴメン

( ⌒o⌒)人(⌒-⌒ )v オヒサオヒサ

Sorry for being away so long !!!

not a lot has actually happened ... I've ust been working a lot ^n^

But I promise I will update more in the future ... whether it be random about what's hapenning or fangirling or both >.<

Going to town tomorrow so I'll post afterwards ^U^